
Archive for the ‘anti fat acceptance’ Category

Delusions of persecution – a delusion (common in paranoia) that others are out to get you and frustrate and embarrass you or inflict suffering on you; a complicated conspiracy is frequently imagined

Breaking it down further,

Delusion – an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary. People are out to “inflict suffering on you”.

When Massachusetts began considering making discrimination based on body weight illegal the internet and the blog-o-sphere was inundated with articles and posts confirming just how terrible it is to be a fat person in America. To the Fat-o-sphere, being a fat person is akin to being a black person in the “Jim Crow” era south.

Fat discrimination we are told is completely out of control. Some even claim it is at an all time high in frequency. Yet, the best evidence that can be mustered are anecdotal experiences of “turned down” fat people going to job interviews, as if this qualifies as real proof of discrimination. Generally speaking a rejected applicant almost always is incorrect in figuring out why he or she didn’t get a job. Let’s get realistic here in all likelihood the person doing the interview, statistically speaking, is overweight.


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Reading a fat acceptance blog for the first time, especially an overweight female, can seem like an epiphany, “Yes, finally someone who understands!”

Quickly devouring more and more, a freshly exposed convert finds out that he or she was never meant to be at a healthy weight, and that all diets are destined to failure. Dieting and exercise are gateway drugs to the world of anorexia. Why not believe it? After all everyone on these sites was anorexic at one time, exercising 6 hours a day, and only eating lettuce for sustenance. Even with those extreme measures THEY COULDN’T LOSE THE WEIGHT!


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